- Sign In to Enter Event
- Name:Apico 2-Stroke Festival Featuring Red Bull Pro Stroke National
- Type:MX Race
- Club: Xbladez 2 Stroke Festival
- Championship: None
- Venue: Sellindge (Map)
- Track Postcode:TN25 6EF
- Event Starts:22-07-2023 to 23-07-2023
- Sign-On Opens:07:30 AM
- Event Begins:09:30 AM
- Online Entries Open:20-02-2023 08:00 PM
- Online Entries Close:21-07-2023 11:56 PM
- Classes:
Race Fee per Day Class Duration Member / Registered Visitor Visitor
Entry Opens (?)You must be a club member to enter prior to this date.Junior 65 - £45.00 £45.00 Now Open Auto - £45.00 £45.00 Now Open Apico ACU British Open 2-Stroke - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Apico ACU British 125 2-Stroke - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Apico ACU British Evo 2-Stroke (up to 1989) - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Apico ACU Super Evo 2-Stroke (1990-2000) - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Red Bull Noughties (2000-2008) - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Over 40s Open 2-Stroke - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Red Bull clubman MX2 - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Red Bull clubman MX1 - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Apico 125 youth - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Apico 250f youth - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Apico 85 B/W - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Apico 85 S/W - £62.50 £62.50 Now Open Farm bikes / Pit bikes (Adults) - £45.00 £45.00 Now Open Electric Auto E3 - £45.00 £45.00 Now Open Electric Auto E5 - £45.00 £45.00 Now Open Expedition Race Balance Bike 12inch Wheels - £20.00 £20.00 Now Open Expedition Race Balance Bike 16inch Wheels - £20.00 £20.00 Now Open - Licences Accepted:ACU
- Single Event Licence Cost:£15.00
- Transponder Required:yes
- Transponder Hire Cost:£20.00
- Cancellations:Allowed
- No Cancellations After:15-07-2023
- Payments Accepted:online
- Payment / Deposit:Full payment required to book-in online
- Official Web Page:none listed
- Additional Information:APICO 2-STROKE FESTIVAL Feaaturing Red Bull Pro Stroke National – CONDITIONS / SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS
The promoter, XBladez Events, will promote the of the race Festival. 1.2 JURISDICTION
The meetings will be held under the National Sporting Code of the ACU, the Standing regulations for Motocross, these Championship Conditions Supplementary Regulations or Instructions issued, or
official announcements made.
The minimum level of insurance provided by the Organisers is through an ACU Basic Permit, Organisers
are reminded to inform competitors the level of cover provided in the Supplementary Regulations. 1.3 RIDER ELIGIBILITY - 2022
Open to riders / Passengers holding current Motocross licences issued by the ACU / SACU or holding a current National licence issued by their European FMN. Any competitor not holding an ACU or SACU licence must provide proof of Insurance and a written start permission document issued by their FMN.
For 2 & 4 stroke solos meeting the current requirements as stated in the ACU Motocross Standing Regulations.
Evo British 2St Championship
Super Evo British 2St Championship
British Open 2St Championship
Adult British 125 2St Championship
85cc SW & BW
Youth 125cc & 250FAuto/ 65cc ( 6yrs )
Red Bull Pro Stroke National Clubman Mx1 & Mx2 Red Bull Pro Stroke National
Riders will qualify for races and start positions during timed practice
1.6 ROUNDS 2022
August 20/21
Riders must supply a transponder number with their registration.
In addition to the above, riders must enter the event via the Go race mx entry system.
entry fee will be as follows:
Riders £125.00 per event
RB pro stroke national riders £60 per event
Under no circumstances will refunds be considered unless a rider informs the organiser of his injury prior to the event and sends a doctors/hospital certificate to the organiser within 7 days after the event.
Friday evening 18:00 hours to 20:00 hours Saturday morning 07:30 to 08:45 hours
“The insurance cover for this event will be Basic (limit of liability £10M) and Medical Malpractice insurance (limit of liability £5m) is included. There is NO Personal Accident Insurance for Competitors.
Riders are allowed to use machines (max 2) as presented to Technical Control under their respective name and starting number. A machine can only be presented for technical Inspection under one riders name, unless one is shared by two riders, in which case it is presented with both riders numbers.
2 stroke engines at: 112dB/A (+2dB/A before the race; + 3 dB/A after the race)
Test procedure: 2 metre max method
A further review of sound levels will be made at the end of the 2023 season.
Machines will be selected at random for sound testing when presented at Preliminary Technical Control
Sound Control after a race – Any rider whose machine is above the limit documented above – whether it be one of the riders chosen at random or any other rider whose motorcycle is controlled/verified – may be penalised by having a 5 place penalty added to his riding time in the race in question. Riders may be chosen by the use of ride by sound tests or at random by the Clerk of the Course.
Should a machine become excessively noisy during a practice or racing session in the opinion of the Clerk of the Course, a board displaying “Noise” together with the offender’s number shall be shown to the rider in question at an appropriate place on the circuit. Once passing the board the rider has two laps in which to enter the work area and effect repairs. i.e. the rider may only pass the board on two occasions. If the rider fails to enter the work area during that time they will be shown the Black Flag and disqualified from the race in question. Under these circumstances no Sound Test shall be undertaken.
In either instance, if there are not enough laps left in the session or race for the above scenario to take place, the rider will still be shown the board whereby he is advised to effect a repair. However, if he fails to do this, the machine will automatically be sound tested at the end of the session or race.
Any rider refusing to have an engine measured or failing the test will result in the loss of all British Championship points.
All British Championship riders should own their own transponder for which it is their responsibility to ensure that it is fully charged and fitted securely.
See manufacturer’s instructions for charging Transponders.
The timekeepers can issue a transponder to riders who do not have a transponder at the event for a hire fee of £10.00, fitting brackets will cost £5. The rider will be required to leave a deposit of £20 which will be returned when the transponder is handed back on the day of the event.
The timekeepers will invoice riders who lose a hired transponder the replacement cost and anyone not returning the transponder at the end of the meeting will lose their £20 deposit.
The organisers and timekeepers will take no responsibility for the results of riders who fail to fit a transponder or charged transponder to their machine.
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Transponders can be purchased or leased from HS Sport Ltd at Unit 5, Radnor Park Industrial Estate, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 4XN – Tel: 01260275708
Riding numbers will be issued by promoter.
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All machines number plates must comply with current ACU regulations plus a space of 40mm across the complete width of the front number plate must be left clear for any series sponsors logos.
The number plate must always display the correct number of the rider.
A maximum of two machines is permitted. Riders may only change machines between races. 3.0 Running of the Meeting
CLERK OF COURSE Dave Edwards, Steve McCauley, ASSISTANT CLERK OF COURSE Sebastian Okeefe, Carl Syme
Red: ALL riders must stop - (riders must not pass a red flag unless authorised to do so and then
only proceed at a slow pace). Yellow Motionless: Danger, take care. Drive slowly
Yellow Waved: Great Danger, prepare to stop, no overtaking. A significant reduction in speed must be seen; therefore, jumps should not be attempted.
Blue: Warning, you are about to be lapped
Black with rider No: That rider to stop immediately and leave the track Green: Under starters orders
White with Green/red cross: Medical attention necessary
All flag signals must be strictly adhered to. Failure to observe these signals may lead to a penalty or disqualification.
Practice will be held on the morning of the meeting and should be a minimum 2 laps free practice and 15 minutes Timed Qualification.
On 2nd day 2 laps of practice per group in one block
There must be a minimum 45-minute period between Practice and the first scheduled Race. Mass starts are forbidden
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Five races over two days counting towards the championship will be held at each meeting. These four races must be separated by at least 45 minutes. When the first rider is called to the start line the waiting zone gate will be closed and reserve riders may then be included.
20 minutes + 1 lap - British Championship classes 15 minutes + 1 lap -Non Championship classes 15 minutes + 1 lap - 85cc SW & BW
Programme of races on the day to be produced by the promter prior to each event. 3.6 STARTING POSITIONS
For all rounds riders will come to the line based on the results of timed qualification or in the absence of timed qualification all riders will be balloted
The start will be live engine, clutch type.
The maximum number of starters allowed is 44.
Once a rider has taken his place at the start gate he cannot change it.
A rider is deemed to be under starters orders when the first rider is called to the start line. Any rider who fails to be ready to start within two minutes of the first rider reaching the start line or who causes a start to be unnecessarily delayed in the opinion of the starter or the Clerk of the Course may be disqualified from that race.
The starter will hold up a green flag from which moment the riders are under his control until all riders are on the start line. When all the riders are on the start line the starter’s assistant will hold up a 15 second board for 15 seconds. At the end of the 15 seconds a 5 second board will be shown and the gate will drop between 5 and 10 seconds after the 5 second is shown.
No one except RIDERS and OFFICIALS shall be permitted in the area of the starting gate. Riders may only “groom” behind the start gate and no tools or outside assistance is allowed.
All false starts shall be indicated by waving a red flag. All riders should go back to the waiting zone and await further announcements regarding the re-start.
Any rider not admitted in the initial start cannot be introduced after a false start.
In the case of an immediate restart riders may only exchange machines in the Waiting Zone.
In the case that the re-start will not take place immediately riders will return to the waiting zone to be instructed if they can return to the paddock.
The Clerk of the Course has the right, for safety reasons or other cases of force majeure, to stop a race prematurely or to cancel a part or the whole of a meeting.
The Clerk of the Course may exclude one or more riders, deemed to be at fault for the race being stopped, from taking part in the restart.
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If a British Championship race is stopped before 50 percent of time has elapsed there will be a complete restart. This will be deemed a new race.
Riders will return to the waiting zone to await an official announcement. Restarts will take place as soon as possible.
In the event of a complete re-start reserve riders may take part in the restart if one or more of the original starters are unable to take part or are disqualified by the Clerk of the Course. Riders who missed the waiting zone for the original start are permitted to participate in the re-start. All reserve riders for the original start are reserves for the re-start.
If a reserve rider competed in the first start he will not automatically be included in the restart.
If a race has to be stopped after the leader has completed half of the race time, (not including any extra laps), it will be considered to have finished.
The order of classification shall be based upon the order of last crossing the finish line prior to the showing of the red flag, and only competitors who are racing at the showing of the red flag and have completed 50% of the number of laps (rounded down) completed by the race leader will be classified.
If a race has to be stopped after the leader has taken the chequered flag they will be classified as having finished the race.
The order of classification for those riders who have not taken the chequered flag shall be based upon the order of last crossing the finish line prior to the showing of the red flag, and only competitors who are racing at the showing of the red flag and have completed 50% of the overall race distance (rounded down) will be classified.
A trackside working area must be available. Only in this area may mechanics make repairs or adjustments to the machines during races/qualification.
The working area must be clearly defined and marked. The entrance must be properly controlled for both people and machines.
The signal area must be behind chestnut fencing.
To be classed as a finisher, a rider must complete the start and 1 full lap
Points will be awarded in the following order for positions 1 to 40.
45,40,38,37,36,35,34,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21, 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11, 10,9,8,7,6,5 , 4,3,2,1
3.13 TIES
If a tie occurs on points scored on the day, it will be resolved on the highest place in the last race. If this fails to decide a tie it will then be decided by the highest place in the second to last race.
If a tie occurs at the end of the championship it will be resolved in favour of the rider /driver gaining the greater number of first places, or if this fails to decide a tie, then in favour of the driver gaining the greater number of second places and so on, down to last place.
If during a race a rider receives outside assistance other than that provided by the organisers in the interest of safety, that rider may be disqualified. Riders receiving signals from persons in prohibited areas may be disqualified or have penalties added.
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If for any reason a rider leaves the course, he must rejoin it as closely as possible to the point where he left the course without any outside assistance. He must not gain any advantage. If any advantage is obtained he may be disqualified.
Any maintenance outside of the work area may only be carried out by the rider / driver / passenger. Any machine taken back to the paddock during the race will not be allowed to re-join that race.
Any offence or breach of the rules contained within the Sporting Code, the relevant discipline regulations, or appendices, or any supplementary regulations; however caused if witnessed by a senior event Official shall be deemed for purposes of disciplinary procedure as a “Statement of Fact”. Senior event Officials will include: - but not be limited to; Race Director, Clerk of the Course and his Assistants, and Chief Marshall.
Any such Statement of Fact shall not be subject to protest or appeal.
Statements of Fact shall also include the decisions of Timekeeper, Starter and Finish Line Judges, Sound Inspectors as already defined within the Code.
The first three riders / crews overall on the day in both Championship must take part in the official prize giving ceremony which will be held as soon as possible after the final race of the day.
To be announced by the promoter prior to the first round. 4.0 General
All races of the will count towards the overall results.
At the end of the Championships the rider with the highest number of points will be:
British Apico 2 stroke champion 2023
If a meeting is stopped or abandoned for reasons of safety or false major, every race completed will count towards championship.
Any restrictions imposed by the organisers to cover local agreements or other stipulated restrictions should be clearly stated in the Final Instructions and competitors must adhere to these requirements.
Tears off are not allowed at the venue.
The riding in the paddock of any pit bikes or mini bikes is not allowed. - Sign In to Enter Event
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